Are you like many others who right now are focusing on planting their gardens and getting some color back in the yard? How about some low-maintenance perennials that local nursery Western Garden Centers says “will thrive in your yard and produce beautiful foliage and blooms all season long?” You can check out Western Garden Centers’ full list and more info on their recommended flowers here, but here’s a quick peek at their 10 suggestions:









Russian Sage


Whether you want to use Western Garden Centers’ list or venture out on your own with selecting flowers for your garden, keep in mind a few things:

  • According to Red Butte Garden, Utah’s “hardiness zone varies between 4 and 6, depending on where you live. Most gardens in Salt Lake City are in zone 5 with a minimum temperature ranging from -10 to -20 degrees Fahrenheit.” When picking plants, select ones that are marked for these zones.
  • Pay attention to where you are planting flowers and how much sun it receives. Some flowers do well in full sun, others in partial sun, and others in full shade.
  • Also pay attention to water needs. Some flowers need more water than others, and some do well with less water. If you are trying to save money on watering or you are planting in an area that may not regularly get water from sprinklers, etc., you’ll want to look for plants that do well with less water.
  • When in doubt, ask the experts. Your local nursery or grower is a great resource for help in finding plants that work well in this climate. Don’t be afraid to ask them for advice when selecting flowers for your yard.